The Perks of Working in Childrenswear

Back when I was studying fashion at uni, childrenswear had hardly ever been on my radar. I distinctly remember having a series of lectures about all the strict regulations that are imposed on childrenswear along with several garment tech tutorials all about children’s wear safety. But still, at that point, I was more so intrigued […]

Kickstart your Creativity with an Instagram Break

kickstart your creative journey with an instagram break Jenny tam thai thumbnail

“To post or not to post? That is the question.” As wonderful of a tool as Instagram is for marketing and networking, at times the flip side of the coin overshadows, where we live and breathe a display society in which we purely share one highlight after another. A society, in which we prioritise the […]

Daydreaming in Strasbourg | Inspiration Series #2

daydreaming in strasbourg inspiration series Jenny tam thai canals thumbnail

Buy that ticket, pack that backpack, take that train. Foreign land right at your fingertips. So close, yet you feel so far. Exploring has always been done best on foot. Wandering wherever the wind is taking you. No direction, no plan, just plain curiosity leading the way. Taking in the new by filtering out the […]

Daisies | Poetic Interlude

Bathing in a sea of daisies Covered by the loveliest scent Drown and leave your thoughts all hazy Leave them to the summer‘s end Daisies dizzy drenched in sorrow Worried ‘bout the way you think  Petals promise to bloom tomorrow Wildflower ocean, please don’t sink Daisy petals, fortune tellers Whispering the loveliest truth He loves you […]

A Creative at Heart

creative at heart Jenny tam thai turtlely tangled blog thumbnail

I’m a writer at heart yet I’m terrible at writing. Don’t get me wrong, I am able to produce good writing. In fact, my professional self is an excellent writer. From praise to good grades to paid commissions, I’ve taken every step of the way. Still, I can’t bring myself to write unless I’ve been […]