Zero Waste Fashion

One of the biggest environmental issues that the fashion industry has to face is the production of waste. After all, most garments are made out of different pattern pieces that were laid flat on a piece of fabric and cut to then be sewn together into the finished garment. Due to the development of technology lay […]

3 Green Washed Fabrics Everyone Should Be Aware Of

What is Green Washing? Green Washing is a marketing and PR act many companies use to create a “greener” and eco-friendlier sheen to their appearance. Unsustainable products are advertised to be better than they are, for example through changing names, switching to green or earth toned colours and packaging or simply through a misleading marketing […]

Thoughts: Is Fashion Art?

Fashion is fun. Fashion is freedom. Fashion is a statement. But is fashion art? Normally, polar questions are not meant to be complex at all as they can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”. But not in this case it seems. A lot of mixed opinions and controversy have been brought up through this […]

Taking action: #SweaterDay

In 2010, WWF Canada launched a project called the National Sweater Day. The goal: raising more awareness about climate change and giving people an opportunity in taking action. The idea is simple, yet effective: “turn down your heat and put on a sweater.”  And since then, over a million Canadians have participated by turning their heating down […]